A painful pinched nerve can ruin someone’s whole day, but now imagine a pinched nerve across the body’s entire central nervous system. via GIPHY It ain’t pretty, but that’s what…
Our wrists are silent workers tirelessly navigating the minefield of a keyboard. via GIPHY They are anemones in a dazzling celebration of kinetic energy. via GIPHY They pull us toward…
We are constantly using our hands. via GIPHY via GIPHY via GIPHY No wonder about 4% of the population suffers from carpal tunnel syndrome - about 14 million people! As…
Some things are for adults, and some are for kids. Adults get… via GIPHY And kids get… via GIPHY But some things are for everybody. As a chiropractor for kids,…
Parents have been telling their children to sit up straight for decades, with the goal of refining their posture while also preparing them for debutante society. via GIPHY While some…
Anyone with children knows that those little munchkins are like tiny tornadoes. Their energy knows no bounds. On the one hand, it’s the best reminder that life is short and…
Childhood is a time of growth and development. It’s an inundation of new experiences and new sensations. It’s a period of discovery, adventure, and via GIPHY There will never be…
via GIPHY TFW sciatica pain is shooting flaming balls of glass through the lower back Sciatic nerve pain is a monster from Mordor. It was forged in the fires of…
Spring is right around the corner…depending on how long your blocks are. We can finally escape the confines of our homes and venture out into the great unknown, or just…